Thanks to a Great Volunteer Team: Upper Valley Rugby Club!



Former Lebanon Recreation and Park Director, Cindy Heath, has been the main mover on the enhanced landscaping of the MRG pocket park by the tunnel in downtown Lebanon. She and a team from Upper Valley Rugby Club did great work in the park Wednesday evening.

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Here’s Cindy’s report on this energetic team of volunteers:

“Members of the Men’s and Women’s teams of the Upper Valley Rugby Club put forth an amazing effort on Tuesday night and moved the MRG Pocket Park closer to completion. President Brian Frampton and his club mates dug out sod, applied mulch to flower beds, and did some serious digging to install wood chips under the picnic tables. 

This is work that needs a strong back and stamina, and the club members were definitely up for the task. It’s amazing how much was accomplished in just two hours by this community service minded group! 


Several members of the club will be back next week to put the finishing touches on a new flower bed in preparation for a final planting of perennials donated by Gardener’s Supply. All are welcome to participate in the final work session on Tuesday, August 7 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm at the park. Bring work gloves, a shovel, and wheelbarrow if you have one!”  Update: Tuesday’s work was postponed on account of rain.  Next work day is Tuesday, August 14 at 5:30.

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