Planting Day in the Pocket Park

A project like this pocket park on the MRG makes one aware of the generosity of this community.  So many beautiful plants were dug and donated from gardens around town and farther afield. Folks donated their time and energy, and it is gratifying to know that many local businesses grant volunteer time to employees during the work day. (The MRG has benefited greatly for a number of years by these volunteers.)

On Wednesday, donors and volunteers showed up at the pocket park with carloads of beautiful plants. Among the volunteers was Jake Jasinski and his Mom Linda. Jake was the Eagle Scout who had envisioned this pocket park and worked with others to build the picnic tables and benches.

The group laid out the plants in a pleasing design and then went to work digging, planting, watering.  In a matter of a few hours the park was transformed.


Cindy Heath in the foreground, Jackson, Henry, and Linda in back, digging and planting.

Cindy is the organizer and energy behind this extension of last year’s pollinator garden into what will be a fully landscaped park. The many hostas, flowering shrubs and trees, and ground covers will also be a boon for pollinators.


Henry Homeyer, the Upper Valley’s “Gardening Guy”, donated his time and expertise to the project. Here he is planting a beautiful little Japanese maple.



The planting day team: Cindy, Paula, Henry, Linda, Jake, Jackson, Pat







One response to “Planting Day in the Pocket Park

  1. How lovely and I know many of these workers. I look forward to enjoying this.

    Realistic Optimist!


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